IBCOL in China

The Chinese Blockchain Olympiad (CN-BCOL) is the national blockchain olympiad committee working with some academic and industry professionals in China. For IBCOL 2019, three teams represented China: from Guangzhou Civil Aviation College (廣州民航職業技術學院) which won 3rd place; from Sun Yat-Sen University (中山大學); from Nanjing Agricultural University (南京農業大學). For IBCOL 2020, the CN-BCOL will select up to 12 projects to represent China.

CN-BCOL Partners

TDI and iCollege as the partners of the China Blockchain Olympiad(“CN-BCOL”)for assisting in training and nominating Chinese participants to join the 2020 International Blockchain Olympiad(“ IBCOL 2020 ”)as repressentatives of China.
  • TDI(Talent Development Institute)
    The mission of the Talent Development Institute (TDI) is to develop talent, for individuals and for organizations. Through various partners and programs, TDI helps people achieve their full potential by building and nurturing skills and specialties that are proven to be in high demand by the market. With its patent-pending verified credentials ecosystem, TDI helps organizations find the talent they seek with complete confidence in where the talent acquired which skills.
  • iCollege
    The mission of iCollege is teaching intelligent & infinitas. Our course design aims to make the student feel relaxed and have fun in the classroom but learn in effective ways. We will even bring out the students' unlimited potential and let them show their full potential.


The IBCOL was founded in 2017 at the height of the cryptocurrency bubble. While most of the world was distracted by ill-conceived ideas or outright scams, the IBCOL was one of the few that dared to ignore short-term gain for long-term development of the blockchain ecosystem.